Got my sunscreen and umbrella! No sunburn for me! At a study, either Colin's pants shrunk or he got taller?
This study was so cute, he speaks perfect English from working with the Chiquita banana
Company when they were here in puerto. He has the best stories. One study Colin said they were discussing making bad decisions and how it doesn't help that we are under the influence of satan. So Andreas, the study, precedes to tell Colin about the time he was drunk and the minister asked him to drive his car to get new shocks. So even though he shouldn't have been driving he took the car. So while he was driving he thought to himself, " I wonder what would happen if I turned the car quickly to the right and then quickly to the left, like I'm zig zagging!" So he says he could hear this little voice in his head saying " do it!" do it andreas!" hahha So he does and he goes back and forth across the road driving like a crazy person then he said next thing he remembers was being upside down with his arm skidding on the road! So after this story he says to Colin, that must have been satan. Hahaha how rediculous is that!
He is an amazing study though, he always says how he can't believe how many lies he has been told in church.
Another time we were there It was really cool because we were explaining the resurrection and he thought that was cool but he felt that even if he wasn't going to be resurrected it wasn't going to bother him, he was still gonna give his best to God. So we asked him what his best years of his life were and he sat back for a minute just thinking and then all of a sudden he got this huge smile on his face and he says "ah, my 30s, some of the best days of my life" and it was so cute because you could tell he had all these memories running through his mind. So we explained to him that was what the resurrection in the new system was going to be like going back to being young, healthy and fun forever! And all of a sudden his eyes got real big and he said " reeeeallly??? Wooow! You mean I will be able to climb trees again??" Hahaha it was the best feeling sharing that with him. Now He can't wait to be 30 climbing trees again haha.
Here's some more crazy fruit a lady gave us out in service, it's very hard to go hungry here with a this yummy fruit! :)
One meeting Colin did the sound and watchtower, while I read the paragraphs and another sister and I commented on every paragraph haha. It was just 3 of us and 2 studies, I convinced one of the studies to read all the scriptures :)

As most of you know Colin and I got a motorbike, a little 125 Yamaha perfect for getting to our studies and the beach :)
Luke found some Panamanian weights haha